Access to information is a basic human right

Ensure accessible experiences with a preliminary checkup and an accessibility review.

Request an evaluation

What have you (or anyone else) used to test this project for accessibility issues? *
Type of project

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Review status (sign in required)

Preliminary checkup

If you’re unfamiliar with accessibility standards, you might overlook common issues in products and websites. Our preliminary checkup is an overview of those issues and their solutions.

Learn more about common accessibility issues

Accessibility self-review

Before you request an evaluation from UXO, please perform a self-review of your product or website for major accessibility issues. Our accessibility review has seven stages and is intended for web developers. The seven stages are:

  1. Visual inspection
  2. Keyboard and visual focus
  3. Automated tools
  4. Use a screen reader to evaluate a website
  5. Color contrast
  6. Zoom and magnification
  7. Code inspection

By performing this self-review, you’ll speed up UXO’s evaluation process (and better understand the issues).

The Digital Accessibility Office will not provide accessibility assistance or consulting to vendors or companies that are not under current contracts or formal agreements with Indiana University. We are available to discuss IU standards and procedures, if needed.